Sunday, May 21, 2006

Is it working?

5 - 4- 3- 2 - 1 - Go!
Um... I expected something a bit more spectacular than that. Is my cloaking device working? I can't see my feet, but as my tootsies have been out of view for a few years now, that's hardly a reliable indicator.
So the big question is... have I achieved Invisibility?


Alistu said...

Unless you're sat on a different perch, I'd say it's worked! Congrats! I hope I'm actually talking to you and not some empty space...

Fat Tony said...

Hearing you loud and clear, Menaceman! I'm really going to have some fun with this today!

Anonymous said...

Can you fly wearing your cloaking device or is it only useful if you want to stay in one place and see who strays into your territory but more important than anything else is can you eat? A thought do you wear it or sit under it? What happens if it rains?.... So many questions....

Anonymous said...

Great job, FT. Now you can nick some Swiss Cake Rolls!

Anonymous said...

Look out you have a rival! I typed "biggest pigeon in the world" into Google and I got this:

Fat Tony said...

That pigeon's only a measly 4lb in weight! I could flatten him with one touch of my feathers! I just don't want the Guinness book of records to know about me because I'm publicity-shy.