Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Space sheep

My mate Gorgeous Gary said that commun-ications will be very important when I take over the world, so we flew over Duckshire to see some big radio dishes.
Derek the Sheep fans will know that sheep are big star freaks, but these woolly chums are really into radio astronomy.
The top astronomer sheep, Patrick Moorino, showed us round and we had a great time.
I asked if the big dishes fill up with snow in the winter and he said yes, and told us about a brilliant wheeze. He waits till one of the other sheep is hard at work, making adjustments to the radio dish, then tips the whole dish full of snow - whumpf!- onto his unsuspecting chum!
Some crazy radio stars called pulsars were discovered here, but Patrick let us into a little secret.
It seems when they first discovered the pulsar signals, they told all the press and all the other astronomer sheep got really jealous.
When they finally twigged the signals were coming from Doris Budgie's microwave as she heated up her millet burgers, they were so embarrassed they didn't dare tell anyone.
So next time you see some astronomer dude on the telly spouting theories about black holes and gravity lenses and whatever, you'll know The Truth.
Which is out there somewhere in Doris Budgie's cage...


Anonymous said...

How interesting. Despite reading Derek's blog often, I hadn't realised sheep liked the stars so much.

Fat Tony said...

You have to go way back in the archives - Derek discovered a new spider planet with his telescope but Barry Chicken (I think it was Barry Chicken) stole all the credit for it.

Fat Tony said...

The spider planet and stuff is in the April/May archives of Derek's diary. I wonder if Bob Chicken is out of the slammer yet?

Anonymous said...

Nah, Barry is currently trying to work his way out of McChicken Sandwich.