Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Tensions rise

Day 2 in the Big Birdbrain garden. 11.43 am. It's 5minutes and 73 seconds since the gardenmates had their second breakfast. Fat Tony is snuggled up under a polka dot duvet. Big Vanessa and Doris Budgie are arguing over who has to clean out the oven.
11.44 am. A worm pokes its head above ground, spots Fat Tony and hurries back into his burrow.
11.45 am. The Ant Motorcycle Display Team take a spin round the garden. It's their last chance to practise their 1000 ant pyramid before the Guinness Book of Records man arrives.
11.46 am. Big Vanessa swoops down on the 1000 ant pyramid and scoffs the lot.
Doris Budgie is called to the Diary Perch.
"I nominate Big V. for eviction this week. This morning was the final straw. Poor Andy Ant and all his chums have been practising for months.
Plus, Vanessa is a publicity-seeking madam who wants her own magazine deal with the Pigeon Post. "My secret love nest with Fat Tony", you know the kind of thing.
Jealous? Of course I'm not jealous of that oversized *****. Anyway, she's got to go. That greedy pig has even nicked my cuttlefish."
Who goes? Who stays? You, the bloggers decide...


Mike Da Hat said...

Got to be Doris Budgie. As a publicity seeking guitarist Vanessa has my sympathy vote

Fat Tony said...

Vanessa isn't a publicity seeking guitarist, though she has been known to tinkle on her Stylophone.