Friday, May 20, 2005

strange noises

I'm really REALLY FED UP.
Doris Budgie won't come and see the new Star Wars movie with me.
She said "There's no way I'm going to the pictures with you again, Anthony. It was so embarrassing, sitting with a pigeon who took up 4 seats on his own. And you ordered popcorn in a skip!"
Huh. She eats like a bird, anyway. I just happen to have a healthy appetite.
There's something very strange going on in the garden. I was perched on top of the kids' climbing frame, tucking into some fish fingers I'd pinched from Tiddles Clutterbuck (next door's moggy), when I heard some very odd noises. Almost like someone digging or tunnelling.
And there's another sound, too. A bit like a Wurzel stuck down a mine shaft. "oooh arrr, oooh arrr.'
What could it be?

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