Sunday, December 18, 2005

Problems, problems

Well, Cuddles has gone home to his Mum at last. Doris flew down to the local duckpond and tracked her down, so all is quiet in the garden again.
This is a difficult time for a plumpish pigeon who enjoys his food. Nuts or nibbles? Mince pie or Chorley cake? Chocolate log or Xmas cake? Or just scoff the lot (and get a tummyache, but who cares?)
The only thing I really have a Qualm about is Stuffing.


Anonymous said...

Happy Christmas, T. Have a great time but beware of any offers you get involving words like "sage and onion" or "ready basted". It's a tough world out there for us feathered types even without bird flu!

Fat Tony said...

When did they let you out of the slammer, Barry Chicken?
Ready basted? Is that some kind of hand cream for my tootsies?