Saturday, June 23, 2007

Born free

I put Bilbo carefully back in the garden border. At first he curled up into a ball. I trotted to the far end of the garden so he wouldn't feel crowded, and all off a sudden he unrolled and trundled off through the undergrowth, the flowers waving as he pushed his way through. Blinkin' hedgehog! He gave me an awful fright. He seems happy enough now. Maybe he'd had a night out on the tiles and had a hangover. Anyway, I'm off to the chippy. I'm sure I'm wasting away after all this worry...

Monday, June 18, 2007

Would you believe it!

Well, off we went to the vet. I was really worried about little Bilbo, as you can imagine.
The nurse asked me to leave him there for a little while while they checked him over. When I came back, the nurse said he was right as rain! He curled up in a ball as soon as she tried to examine him, but she said he was fine. So maybe he was just sleepy and cold when I found him as it was first thing in the morning. The nurse said to put him back in the garden, so that's where we're off to now.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Off to the vet

The RSPCA advised me to take Bilbo along to the vet, so off we go. I do hope he'll be OK.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Very worrying

Well, Bilbo's had a little drink. Silly hedgehog knocked over his water though. But now he's just lying there... I think I'd better phone the RSPCA for some advice.